

汤熨针石 别有正方


针灸治疗 三大优势






五谷:即粟、豆 、麻、麦、稻。古代所指的五种谷物。“五谷”,古代有多种不同说法,最主要的有两种:一种指稻、黍、稷、麦、菽;另一种指麻、黍、稷、麦、菽。 





稻、麦、黍、稷、菽五种粮食作物。黍指玉米,也包括黄米,稷指粟(红高粱),菽指豆类。我们可以把这类食物统称为五谷杂粮。 其中小米最被国人推崇,小米属热性,黄色,最补脾胃,早晨食用好。同时,米属凉性,尤其适合在傍晚食用,可以多吃一些。而面属热性,最补心气,冬种夏收,夏季食用最好。






四十七八两眼花花 中医针灸名家养眼护眼秘诀









五十歲 "肝氣始衰,肝葉始薄,膽汁始滅,目始不明"





















有着“天下第一针”美誉的针灸大师名叫贺普仁,八十五岁高龄的他仍在坚持每天为慕名而来的患者诊病疗疾。小小的银针在他手里依旧运用自如,患者被针刺激的感觉就如同贺老事先设计的一样慢慢有了作用。要准确地找到患者的穴位,这要归功于他的眼神。可之前的贺老,眼睛并不是这样好。 在他五十几岁的时候,贺普仁就曾患过轻度的白内障。对此病,他一不手术,二不用药。到如今,八十五岁的贺老却还能穿针引线、看报读书,是什么原因让贺老保持了这么好的眼力?









    徐文兵:五十岁 肝气虚了——“肝叶始薄,胆汁始减,目始不明”。啊,有的……有的那个观众就问了,就说我这个眼睛不明的时候怎么办?所以,今儿呢,就插一句,告诉大家一个穴位。中医很有意思,它《黄帝内经》讲了病理,然后接着就有对应的治疗方法。它不是说告诉你一个诊断,你得的什么病,然后怎么治,没治。这个目始不明啊,专门有一个穴位,就是让眼睛亮的。

    梁冬: 噢,睛明穴。

    徐文兵: 诶,睛明穴,可以。

    梁冬: 可以吗,还有呢?

    徐文兵: 围着眼睛的穴都可以,但是呢,这是个末梢,你得从根儿上。它根儿上怎么说呢?它说肝气虚了,然后呢:“……胆汁始减,肝叶始薄”。你得从根儿上治。

    梁冬: 对,从肝胆上入手。

    徐文兵: 诶,从肝胆上入手。特别这个胆呢,对眼睛影响特别大。胆的一个募穴,你想眼睛亮,你去找肝……就是胆气聚的那个地方。你给它做点按摩,啊,或者做点……在哪儿?我们说哪儿是本?

    梁冬: 啊,肚子上嘛。

    徐文兵: 身躯是本,它在哪儿?它在我们的肋骨的中间。在哪儿呢?就是在第……第七和第八肋骨中间,你就沿着这个乳头往下数,一般我们的乳头在第四、第五肋间。你往下数俩肋骨,就在这肋骨缝儿这儿,这是胆经的募穴。你眼睛觉得老花眼了,就是看不清楚的时候,你就揉揉这儿。它的上边的穴叫期门,是肝的募穴。


    [定位] 在上腹部,当乳头直下,第7肋间隙,前正中线旁开4寸。
    [主治] 胁肋疼痛,胀满,呕吐,吞酸,呃逆,黄疸。
    [配伍] 配胆俞治胆虚;配内关、中脘治呕吐、纳呆;配期门、阳陵泉治胆石症;配支沟、丘墟治胁胀痛;配胆俞、腕骨治黄疸。
    [刺灸法] 斜刺0.5~0.8寸;可灸。
    [附注] 足太阴、少阳之会。胆经募穴。



Interesting and Profound Monologue of Liver

🙈 Interesting and Profound Monologue of Liver

I am Liver and I am dumb! Usually when you feel pain in me ,it is basically too late. Please pay attention to me, every 3 minutes I filter your whole body blood once! 20 times every hour, 480 times a day and 175200 times a year!
I work very hard for your body detoxification, but you do not sleep until midnight, you drink, you eat big skewers, you get angry, you complain about the dull skin, stomach ache, disorder digestion, fatty liver, poor sleep and bad mood ... ... have you ever care about me like you care about your car, regular maintenance can go a long way.... Acupuncture is one of the safe natural care options for me.




Pursuing acupuncture treatment for endometriosis can be a life-changing decision for many women

Endometriosis (en-doe-me-tree-O-sis) is an often painful disorder in which tissue that normally lines the inside of your uterus — the endometrium — grows outside your uterus (endometrial implant). Endometriosis most commonly involves your ovaries, bowel or the tissue lining your pelvis. Rarely, endometrial tissue may spread beyond your pelvic region.
In endometriosis, displaced endometrial tissue continues to act as it normally would — it thickens, breaks down and bleeds with each menstrual cycle. Because this displaced tissue has no way to exit your body, it becomes trapped. When endometriosis involves the ovaries, cysts called endometriomas may form. Surrounding tissue can become irritated, eventually developing scar tissue and adhesions — abnormal tissue that binds organs together.
Endometriosis can cause pain — sometimes severe — especially during your period. Fertility problems also may develop. Fortunately, effective treatments are available.

Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine is one of the few natural treatment options that can be profoundly helpful for women suffering from endometriosis. This condition, which occurs when the tissue that lines the endometrium is found to be growing outside the uterus, is a painful and sometimes debilitating condition that affects 10 to 20% of Canadian women of childbearing age. The typical symptoms are severe menstrual cramping, irregular menstrual bleeding, lower back pain, pain after intercourse, fatigue, and occasionally difficulty in conception. 

Endometriosis is seen as a sign of blood stagnation in Chinese medicine. This can be due to blood deficiency, kidney deficiency, or excessive internal cold. Each specific pattern tends to respond very well to treatment. There are some cases of endometrial growth, however, that are so pronounced that surgical intervention is necessary. Most mild to moderate cases can be treated with Chinese medicine. 

The typical course of treatment for endometriosis is acupuncture twice a week for 8-10 visits, at which time we will assess for progress and discuss future treatment. The process tends to be condensed if the patient is willing to take Chinese herbs and make some dietary changes. The following herbal formulas have proven to be effective in the treatment of endometriosis: 

1. Shao Fu Zhy Yu Tang: treats blood stagnation and cold in the lower abdominal region

2. Crampbark plus: A formula by Health Concerns that regulates the blood

3. Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan: Perhaps the most popular herbal formula for cysts, fibroid and enodmetriosis

Along with acupuncture and herbs, it’s also important to make the following dietary changes:

4. Avoid refined sugar

5. Minimize refined carbs

6. Minimize coffee

7. Eat plenty of organic fruits and vegetables

8. Take flax oil daily

9. Get plenty of essential fats: fish, nuts, seeds, legumes

10. Make sure meat selections are free range/organic

It is also important to exercise 3-4 times a week to maintain the proper circulation of Qi and blood throughout the body. 

Pursuing acupuncture treatment for endometriosis can be a life-changing decision for many women.For twice a week acupuncture treatments, continue treatment for 3 to 6 months. When combined with proper diet and exercise, the root cause of this condition can often be healed. Check one of Jarry's cases.

Call Oriental Acupuncture Clinic today at 416-800-3978 
or Text:416-655-1311
to set up your first appointment!
Healing from the root, beyond treating symptoms.
So you can experience greater health and well-being!

With Jarry's 30+ years clinical experience, you will feel the difference.


How to manage Anxiety & Depression without medication

Approximately 4 million Canadians suffer with chronic anxiety or depression. One out of eight adults are currently taking antidepressant medications. While these medications can offer support and benefit on certain occasions, there are indeed many people that do not respond well to this form of treatment. This can be due to a number of factors including: 

  • Various side effects that outweigh the benefits of the medication 
  • A developed tolerance to the medication that causes the benefits to diminish 
  • Excessive sensitivty to the concentrated nature of these medications 
  • A belief system that suggests that the depression is not due to a biochemical imbalance, or that this imbalance is the result of a deeper spiritual issue 

we have a number of patients who were convinced that they had run out of options after finding medications and/or talk therapy to be ineffective for their needs. Many of these people try acupuncture as a last resort. and from numerous patients who suffer from chronic depression,we have proved that acupuncture, nutritional supplemenation, meditation, and yoga can offer tremendously helpful support in healing the root causes of this epidemic. This approach is much more comprehensive and much less invasive to the brain that using SSRI medications. It accounts for not only biochemical factors, but also energetic, nutritional, and spiritual influences as well. 
Here's few options to manage Anxiety & Depression without medication:

Practiced for over 2,500 years, acupuncture is a branch of Chinese medicine that treats the energetic level of the human body/mind. As surprising as it is to most people, acupuncture is usually a profoundly relaxing experience that establishes a deep quality of restoration and balance to the central nervous system. Most people feel altered, floaty, dreamy, or sleepy after treatment. This feeling tends to stick around for a few hours after the treatment and becomes a more continuous experience with repetitive treatment. Acupuncture works by balancing the flow of Qi, or internal life force, in the body. Anxiety is typically a byproduct of weak Qi in the heart or kidneys. Other symptoms such as low back pain, heart palpitations, insomnia, irritability, or nightmares commonly accompany the depression.
Comedian Jim Carrey tried acupuncture treatment  for his depression. He said:" Undergoing acupuncture treatments and nutritional advice has led to a marked change in my physical vitality and my general state of well-being."

Check our other blog: Why acupuncture is great choice for curing anxiety or depression:


There are a number of Chinese herbal formulas that can work wonders for depression. Here is a brief list of formulas.
  • gui pi tang 
  • jin gui shen qi wan 
  • bu zhong yi qi tang 
  • cyperus 18 by 7 Forests 
  • polygala far reaching by Health concerns
Western herbs can also be helpful. Here is a brief list of herbs that can be bought at the local health food store: 
  • St. John's wort 
  • gingko biloba 
  • rhodiola rosea 
  • siberian ginseng
3.Nutrition supplement

One of the most important considerations here is to maintain stable blood sugar throughout the day. The majority of anxiety patients suffer from hypoglycemia. They tend to eat refined carbohydrates and/or drink coffee to start the day, only to experience the typical 'crash' around 2-4pm. To keep the blood sugar stable, begin the day with a high protein breakfast such as eggs, turkey bacon, whole oats, or smoothies with whey or goat protein in them. Eat a low glycemic snack every 2-3 hours. Avoid coffee and other forms of caffeine. It can also be revealing to avoid allergenic foods such as wheat, gluten, pasteurized dairy, and refined sugar for one month to see if the depression significantly improves. Here is a brief list of nutritional supplements that can be very helpful in treating depression: 
  • 5HTP 
  • SAMe 
  • Fish oil 
  • B vitamin complex
4.Meditation and Yoga 

Many people find meditation and yoga to be their most powerful allies in healing depression. With regular practice of various breathing techniques and yoga postures, people often feel that they have much more control over the depression and that it need not run their life anymore. These practices can be direct gateways to the rest and restore mode of the nervous system. On a deeper level, they can help us forge a spiritual connection with our lives that instills an unshakable sense of trust and safety in the workings of the universe.
From a holistic perspective, our symptoms are never random. There is always a reason why they creep up. In the case of depression, it is helpful to disengage from our personal feelings about it and look at the bigger picture. What is the depression telling us about ourselves and where we are at in life? Is it a warning sign that something is amiss and needs to be acknowledged or changed? In any regard, the practices mentioned here can offer a profound level of support in getting to the root of the problem and inducing a gentle course in a new direction of inspiration and insight.

Or Call Oriental Acupuncture Clinic today 
at 416-800-3978 to set up your first appointment!

Healing from the root, 
beyond treating symptoms.
So you can experience 
greater health and well-being!

Acupuncture natural cures & remedies for cold and flu expecially for recurring infections

When my husband got cold,  he didn't want to eat much and when he got a flu or fever, he still ate a lot. So he told me about the old saying : " Feed the fever and Starve the cold" I thought it was true,  it rhymes...

When I searched online I found out that “Feed a cold, Starve a fever” is an old saying by John Withals, which noted that “fasting is a great remedy of fever.” 
The belief is that eating food may help the body generate warmth during a “cold” and that avoiding food may help it cool down when overheated.

But recent medical science says the old saw is wrong. It should be “Feed a cold, Feed a fever.”  First for cold, eating can also help the body generate heat to keep you warm. For fever, fever is part of the immune system’s attempt to beat the bugs. It raises body temperature, which increases metabolism and results in more calories burned; for each degree of temperature rise, the energy demand increases further. So taking in calories is very important.

Even more crucial is drinking. Fever dehydrates your system, in part through increased sweating from that elevated temperature. Replacing fluids is therefore critical to helping the body battle the infection. The same is true for combating colds. “You have to make yourself drink fluids, even though all you want to do is collapse,” 

Over-the-counter remedies may or may not help. They can relieve symptoms but they do not kill off viruses or bacteria. Cold and fever germs usually run their course, and the immune system in our body eventually will beat them up. So drink drink drink and sleep as much as you can, to give your body the rest it needs to fight the good fight.

Cold supplements like Emergen C  or Cold-Fx has been shown to be effective in reducing the frequency,severity and duration of cold and flu symptoms by boosting the immune system in adults.  

Last but not lease,Acupuncture is also a great way to boost your immune system without any side effect. Practiced for over 2500 years in various Asian cultures, acupuncture has finally made its way to the Western world. In our clinical practice, many patients have sought treatment for weak immunity.A typical pattern includes frequent colds and flus, recurring sinus infections, acupuncture can be an effective way to break the cycle of chronic vulnerability to the elements.

Acupuncture works by regulating the flow of Qi(Life force or Energy) through 14 major meridians on the body.Immune weakness is typically due to deficient Qi of the lung and spleen. When these organs are weak,symptoms such as allergies, diarrhea, fatigue,cough, and recurring infections are commonplace.For these issues, acupuncture points are chosen on the lung and spleen meridian to supplement the Qi, thereby strengthening immune function.

Moxibustion is also a powerful tool in the acupuncture repertoire. 
Moxibustion is a heat therapy that involves the use of mugowrt, an herb that is applied topically on acupuncture points. Moxibustion has shown in studies to increase white blood cell count in chemotherapy patients and other cases of immune weakness. For patients with recurring infections and colds, moxibustion is an excellent technique for naturally bolstering immunity.

Call Oriental Acupuncture Clinic today at 416-800-3978
to set up your first appointment!

Healing from the root, beyond treating symptoms.
So you can experience greater health and well-being!