Over-the-counter medicines will ease your symptoms, but acupuncture etc. natural cures and remedies maybe is a better choice while nothing else works well for your allergy.
As early as two thousand years ago, Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) has a detailed records in the treatment of allergies. In TCM, the "Qi" obstruction of lungs, that cause the nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, eye itching, tongue itching, rash , And even cough, asthma, etc.allergy symptoms.
When treating seasonal allergies with acupuncture, there is often a quick response. Some patients get some relief after the first visit. Most patients get rid of the annoying itchy eyes,sneezing or running nose etc. symptoms after continuous twice a week treatments for 1 to 3 weeks.
Patients are asked to score their nose stuffiness on a zero to ten scale. Zero meaning no stuffiness at all and 10 being the worst possible stuffiness for the patient. A score may be determined before and after the acupuncture treatment. Patients can also determine the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment by tracking the number of sneezes per day and the number of itching episodes around their eyes.
After an initial series of treatments, patients come in for further treatments on an as needed basis. Some patients come back in once or twice a year for a booster while others may come more often. In general, patients do better if they avoid sugar and milk in their diets. They have better and longer lasting responses. We have seen many patients who failed medication and allergy shots respond to acupuncture. Patients continue with whatever standard treatments they are currently undergoing while getting acupuncture treatments. Most patients end up significantly reducing or eliminating their dependence on allergy medications.
Allergies are often associated with weak adrenal, immune, and digestive functions. Natural treatments are used to support and improve those functions and to alleviate hay fever symptoms. For seasonal allergies, beginning natural treatments 1–2 months before the season starts can help reduce the severity of symptoms. While many over-the-counter remedies promise symptomatic relief, practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) believe that addressing the causes of allergies, treating the root beyond the symptoms, and focusing on balancing the immune system leads to substantial long-term health benefits in managing allergies.
Acupuncture for Asthma (Natural cures and remedies)
Call Oriental Acupuncture Clinic today at 416-800-3978
or Text:416-655-1311
Healing from the root, beyond treating symptoms.
So you can experience greater health and well-being!
When treating seasonal allergies with acupuncture, there is often a quick response. Some patients get some relief after the first visit. Most patients get rid of the annoying itchy eyes,sneezing or running nose etc. symptoms after continuous twice a week treatments for 1 to 3 weeks.
Patients are asked to score their nose stuffiness on a zero to ten scale. Zero meaning no stuffiness at all and 10 being the worst possible stuffiness for the patient. A score may be determined before and after the acupuncture treatment. Patients can also determine the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment by tracking the number of sneezes per day and the number of itching episodes around their eyes.
After an initial series of treatments, patients come in for further treatments on an as needed basis. Some patients come back in once or twice a year for a booster while others may come more often. In general, patients do better if they avoid sugar and milk in their diets. They have better and longer lasting responses. We have seen many patients who failed medication and allergy shots respond to acupuncture. Patients continue with whatever standard treatments they are currently undergoing while getting acupuncture treatments. Most patients end up significantly reducing or eliminating their dependence on allergy medications.
Allergies are often associated with weak adrenal, immune, and digestive functions. Natural treatments are used to support and improve those functions and to alleviate hay fever symptoms. For seasonal allergies, beginning natural treatments 1–2 months before the season starts can help reduce the severity of symptoms. While many over-the-counter remedies promise symptomatic relief, practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) believe that addressing the causes of allergies, treating the root beyond the symptoms, and focusing on balancing the immune system leads to substantial long-term health benefits in managing allergies.
Acupuncture for Asthma (Natural cures and remedies)

Call Oriental Acupuncture Clinic today at 416-800-3978
to set up your first appointment!
So you can experience greater health and well-being!
2. Nutrition
To reduce allergy symptoms, eat a moderately low-fat, high-complex-carbohydrate diet. Drink enough water and green tea daily
- Include a lot of the following foods in the diet:
- Dark green, leafy vegetables
- Deep yellow and orange vegetables
- Nettles, bamboo shoots, cabbage, beet tops, beets, carrots, yams
- Onions, garlic, ginger, cayenne, horseradish
- Alcohol, caffeine, and dairy products
- Bananas and citrus fruit
- Chocolate
- Food colorings (tartrazine)
- Peanuts
- Red meat
- Sugar
- Wheat
3. Supplements, Vitamins and Minerals:
- Green tea is a natural antihistamine that’s powerful enough to actually interfere with allergy skin testing. Sip two cups a day, about 2 weeks before allergy season starts, to help avoid congestion.
- Bioflavonoids (e.g., quercetin, catechin, and hesperidin) - Take 2-3 grams daily. When symptoms are severe, take up to 6 grams. Bioflavonoids are natural antihistamines and strongly anti-allergenic. Bromelain and vitamin C can enhance the action of bioflavonoids. Combination products are available.
- Flaxseed oil - Take 1 tbsp daily.
- Probiotics (e.g., lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidus) - Take one in the morning and one in the evening, 1-4 billion organisms per capsule.
- Multivitamin – High potency and customized if possible.
- Vitamin A - Take 25,000 IUs daily.
- Vitamin C - Take 1-3 grams 2 to 3 times daily
- Vitamin E - Take 400 IUs daily.
- Zinc - Take 30 mg daily.
Herbal medicines rarely have significant side effects when used appropriately and at suggested doses. Occasionally, an herb at the prescribed dose causes stomach upset or headache. This may reflect the purity of the preparation or added ingredients, such as synthetic binders or fillers. For this reason, it is recommended that only high-quality products be used. As with all medications, more is not better and overdosing can lead to serious illness and death.
- Some of the herbs used to treat hay fever symptoms are as follows:
- Dong quai (Angelica sinensis) - Used as an antihistamine and anti-inflammatory.
- Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis) - Reduces congestion and secretions. It is good for itchy eyes, sneezing, and excess mucus.
- Gingko (Gingko biloba) - Contains bioflavonoids and is used as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.
- Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) - Helps reduce allergic, inflammatory, and histaminic reactions and supports liver function.
- Red clover (Trifolium pratense) - Helps build the body’s resistance to allergies.
- Stinging nettles (Urtica dioica) - Used as an antihistamine and anti-inflammatory.
- Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) - Reduces congestion and secretions.
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