Acupuncture alleviates prostatitis and reduces relapse rates. Jiujiang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine researchers compared usual pharmaceutical treatment with acupuncture. The results show that acupuncture promotes local blood circulation, improves urethra and bladder function, and alleviates overall symptoms correlated with prostatitis.
Drug therapy produced significant results and limited the relapse rate to 10%. In an important discovery, acupuncture reduced the relapse rate to 3%, significantly outperforming the drug therapy group.
In the study, National Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatic Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) scores, Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS) scores, white blood cell counts in the prostatic fluid during routine examinations (EPS), norepinephrine (NE) content, and recurrence rates were compared between an acupuncture group and a drug therapy group. The efficacy levels were based on a 4-level scale:
- Recovered: symptoms disappeared, NIH-CPSI score decreased by over 90%
- Significantly effective: symptoms significantly relieved, NIH-CPSI score decreased by 60% to 89%
- Effective: symptoms relieved, NIH-CPSI score decreased by 30% to 59%
- Ineffective: symptoms persisted or aggravated
In the drug therapy group, 27 cases recovered, 15 were significantly effective, 10 were effective, and 8 were ineffective. In the acupuncture group, 44 cases recovered, 10 were significantly effective, 4 were effective, and 2 were ineffective. The results show that acupuncture significantly outperforms the prescribed drug therapy protocol.
The efficacy of acupuncture and herbal medicine within the Chinese medicine meridian system for the treatment of prostatitis is both ancient and modern. Classical texts from antiquity and modern clinical and laboratory research consistently demonstrate that acupuncture is an effective treatment protocol for the alleviation of prostatitis.
When the drug therapy didn't work for you, TCM acupuncture is always another treatment option or the first option for the BPH treatment.
Looking for experienced Traditional Chinese Acupuncturist, feel free to call Oriental Ensure Acupuncture Clinic at 416-800-3978 or book an appointment online with our acupuncturist or Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner.