Acupuncture and Chinese medicine provide relief for patients with tinnitus. Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Affiliated Hospital researchers conclude that acupuncture plus topical herbal medicine reduces the severity of tinnitus with a total effective rate of 93.5%
Tinggong (SI19)
Tinggong can be used to relieve excessive ear pain, irregular ear discharge and tinnitus. It is located in the hollow directly in front of the ear. Press it lightly with your forefinger and applying pressure using small circular motions for 1 to 2 minutes with your mouth open.
Ermen (SJ21)
Ermen can be used to reduce discharge of pus from the ear, earache and tinnitus ringing and buzzing. It is located directly above the Tinggong point. Press it lightly with your forefinger and applying pressure using small circular motions for 1 to 2 minutes with your mouth open.
Tinghui (GB2)
Tinghui can be used to relieve excessive itching in the ear and tinnitus. It is located directly below the Tinggong point. Press it lightly with your forefinger and applying pressure using small circular motions for 1 to 2 minutes with your mouth open.
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ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing this informative post about acupuncture and acupressure points for tinnitus. As someone who suffers from this condition, I am always looking for natural remedies and your suggestions sound very promising. I will definitely give these points a try and see if they bring me relief. Keep up the great work!