2 Acupuncture Points for Dizziness and Vertigo

Feeling light-headed and dizzy? Maybe you feel like your head is spinning, or that the world is spinning around you? Headache, nausea, dizziness, and vertigo are symptoms that can be caused by a variety of health problems.

Symptoms that may accompany vertigo include nausea, nystagmus (abnormal spastic eye movements), headaches, sweating, hearing loss and tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Symptoms of vertigo can last anywhere from a few minutes to many hours. In some cases, professional treatment is unnecessary as the condition may resolve itself.

However, in other cases, medical treatment may be essential to treat the problem. Fortunately, acupuncture and Oriental medicine can offer help in this department. Often, this medical condition is linked with the element of wind and is even described with the same words as this naturally-occurring phenomenon.

A practitioner of acupuncture and Oriental medicine is able to influence the effects of wind in a patient's body through the use of specific acupuncture points. For example PC6 (Neiguan) and ST36(Zusanli).

PC6 has a couple of functions which are particularly useful. 

First, PC6 is a primary point for treating nausea, no matter the cause. Its effect on nausea is what has earned PC6 the rare distinction of being able to treat a condition without the addition of other points. Whether it is post-operative opioid-induced nausea, motion sickness, pregnancy-related nausea or simply indulging a bit more than you should have at that killer party the night before PC6 is the place to start. Some of you may be familiar with the popular "Seabands," Seabands use magnets to activate PC6 and help fight motion sickness.

Another use for Pericardium 6 is to "calm the Shen." In more common language, this translates to calming the mind and reducing anxiety. PC6 also "opens and unbinds the chest." This refers to some of the types of physical symptoms that can be experienced with anxiety such as tightness in the chest and palpitations. Sometimes anxiety can produce nausea as well, in which case PC6 can help on both fronts.

Stomach 36 acupressure point is regarded as the most useful acupressure point on the body by most licensed acupuncturists as it has so many key functions in the manifestation of Qi and Blood in the body. Acupressure point Stomach 36 can be used with any digestive disorder as the Stomach is in charge of receiving the food along with “rotting and ripening” the food. Stomach Qi is also involved in the downward flow of Qi allowing for proper digestion and elimination. Points on the Stomach channel also impact the Large Intestine more-so than points on the Large Intestine channel, so even issues such as constipation are addressed with Stomach points. Ancient Chinese military troop often made it a habit to stop each mile and stimulate Stomach 36 to give them more energy to continue their forward march; three li equals about a mile, so the name Leg Three Li came from this historical reference. As you might imagine, it is an excellent point for enhancing your own innate vital energy!


Acupuncture for gout treatment - Healing from the root

"Whenever a doctor cannot do good, he must be kept from doing harm"...Hippocrates (希波克拉底-古希腊名医)

As we know gout medication such as Allopurinol, NSAI's (Indomethacin), Colchicine, Probenecid, Losartan, Febuxostat etc. these medicines do not cure your gout, and you will depend on them for the rest of your life! Due to their negative effect on kidneys and liver they make you even sicker(instead of curing) and the bad side effects will create more (new) health problems.

Is healing gout possible?

As we know, Gout is a disease in which defective metabolism of uric acid causes arthritis, especially in the smaller bones of the feet, deposition of chalkstones, and episodes of acute pain. Acupuncture has been used very successfully to treat gout for thousand years. 

Huang Fu Mi (AD 215-AD 282), the author of 《The systematic classic of acupuncture and moxibustion》 was suffered from gout and Hemiplegia before he became the greatest acupuncturist and Chinese medical scientist. Nothing made him getting better until he started studying acupuncture & moxibustion and applying acupuncture moxibustion treatment on himself. 

This condition is caused by combination of several different factors: heat or cold, damp or excess fluid, and a degree of poor blood circulation. All these conditions together create the perfect storm for gout and arthritis to occur. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) holds that the main cause of the disease is rich and greasy food which leads to internal pent-up heat and damp with the wind and cold invading channels and collaterals and blocking the movement of qi and fluids. This causes stasis of damp and heat that are thus transformed into phlegm which stagnates in the collaterals causing swelling and hot pain in the joint.Another factor may be physical weakness, particularly due to ageing, leading to disturbance in the function of Spleen and Kidney. The disease is commonly manifested at the first metatarso-phalangeal joint, through which the Spleen channel passes.

Can acupuncture be used to treat gout?

Acupuncture aims to reduce the heat (also know as inflammation), dispel the excess fluid, damp and cold from the body, and increase blood circulation for greater range of movement , relieve the pain from a gout flare-up and regulate the function of the Spleen and Kidneys.  However, a full recovery from gout and other arthritic conditions must also include nutritional/dietary changes in order to be fully successful.  It usually takes a few sessions(at least 8 to 10 sessions) to see a noticeable change. and also combined with moxibustion or cupping treatments can reach a better healing process.

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Healing from the root, beyond treating symptoms.
So you can experience greater health and well-being!