It is not easy by any mean for children and the parents in the journey with the Diet no dairy, no sugar (except for a few fruits like apples and avocados), no cold drinks, no juice box, no pop! But NO PAIN NO GAIN! If after 3 or 6 or 12 months, No more puffer,no more steroids, no more hospital visits! Will it be great for the child? OF COURSE!
Acupuncture and TCM herbs for Asthma | How it works
It is not easy by any mean for children and the parents in the journey with the Diet no dairy, no sugar (except for a few fruits like apples and avocados), no cold drinks, no juice box, no pop! But NO PAIN NO GAIN! If after 3 or 6 or 12 months, No more puffer,no more steroids, no more hospital visits! Will it be great for the child? OF COURSE!
Acupuncture: Effective Sciatica Treatment
Sciatica occurs when something pushes on the sciatic nerve. This can be a muscle spasm, the spinal discs, and sometimes even the spine itself. Most often this pain is due to muscle spasms or a slipped disc, but it can also be a sign of serious illness and it is important to go to you doctor for a diagnosis. Technically, sciatica is not a disease, but a group of symptoms that affect the region of the sciatic nerve. Radiating pain is one of the more common and intense symptoms, there can also be numbness and tingling starting in the lower back radiating down the leg. Furthermore, sciatic nerve compression can be caused by several different types of spinal disorders such as: 1) a herniated disc 2) lumbar spinal stenosis 3) spondylolisthesis 4) trauma 5) piriformis syndrome 6) spinal tumors.
Important note: It usually take 3 to 5 years from Low back pain slowly turn into Sciatica pain, so address your low back pain in the early stage is always better than later.
Or Call Oriental Acupuncture Clinic today at 416-800-3978
to set up your first appointment!
1 acupuncture point to boost immunity power by Moxibustion流感季节艾灸一个穴位提升免疫力
Moxibustion is a form of heat therapy that is used in Traditional Oriental Medicine. It is made from the Chinese herb, Mugwort (Artemisiae Argyi). It comes in many forms, as moxa sticks, cones, loose herb, etc to provide indirect and direct stimulation on acupuncture points. It is a gentle yet effective way to strengthen your body. Moxibustion therapy is a gem of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
Moxibustion or moxa on the acupuncture point ST36 is traditionally used to improve longevity and prevent illness. It strengthens the body by tonifying the qi and blood and boosting the immune system.
Moxibustion can be a simple addition to a treatment that can boost your immunity, strengthen your body, and increase your general sense of well-being! It’s an easy way to boost your immunity during this flu season.
Ask your acupuncturist if moxa is right for you.
《内经》云:“正气存内,邪不可干。”艾灸最能补人体之阳气之正气,《扁鹊心书》中说:“保命之法,灼艾第一。”“日为天之阳,艾为地之阳。”据现代科学研究表明,艾草是所有植物中进行光合作用效率最高的植物,生长过程中能极大吸收转化太阳热能。艾灸过程中,能释放大量阳气被人体吸收,循经走络,直达病灶,能有效祛除寒湿邪气,通经络,调气血,补元阳,强大身体的免疫功能。那么灸哪个穴位最能提高免疫力。我们都知道中医有这么一句话“常灸足三里,胜吃老母鸡” 为自己和家人的健康点上一支艾香。