ALS is a progressive neurological disorder that affects many people worldwide. Early symptoms may include muscle fatigue, twitching, cramps, slurred speech, and muscle spasms. As the disease progresses, more severe symptoms emerge, such as paralysis and the need for a wheelchair. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can be used to manage ALS symptoms and slow its progression.
Acupuncture for ALS
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) believes that blood and Qi flow through the body in channels. In Western medicine, these channels are thought of as the nerves and blood vessels.
Acupuncture, which is a mainstay in TCM, can stimulate and fine-tune blood and energy flow. It has been shown to help get the electrical impulses working again in cases of neurological disorders and degenerative diseases.
TCM recognizes that blockage can cause neurological problems, and acupuncture can help treat all kinds of blockages. Additionally, TCM can combat muscle atrophy by nourishing the spleen. Overall, TCM and acupuncture can be helpful for patients with ALS on many levels.
Acupuncture and TCM offer a safe alternative or integrative treatment plan for ALS which can help to reduce symptoms like muscle twitches, muscle weakness, and trouble swallowing. TCM treatments can also reduce the side effects of medications for ALS like Riluzole, alleviating digestive symptoms and dizziness. Acupuncture works holistically to address the stress and emotional impact of having a chronic illness, helping to relieve depression and